php execl dde
<?<br /> $excel =new COM(“Excel.Application”)or die(“Unable to instanciate Excel”);<br /> print “Loaded excel,version {$excel->Version}n”;<br /> $excel->Visible =0;<br /> $book=$excel->Workbooks->open(“c://dde.xls”);<br /> $sheet=$book->Worksheets(“Sheet1”);<br /> $a=$excel->DDEInitiate(“Excel”,“c://dde.xls”);<br /> $c =$excel->DDEExecute($a,“A1:D1”);<br /> <span style=“display: none;“>( - 著數網)</span> $Range=$sheet->Range(“A1:D1”);<br /> $cell=$Range->Cells(1,4);<br /> echo $cell->value;<br /> $excel->DDETerminate($a);<br /> $excel->Workbooks->Close();<br /> unset($excel);<br /> unset($a);<br /> ?>
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