DELL PERC 6/i on FreeBSD
此快raid卡為Lsi 代工
Lsi的raid 在6.1版後 全面進化 核心支援 sata sas 用起來粉快樂
CPU: Dual Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 165 (1809.28-MHz K8-class CPU)
Origin = “AuthenticAMD” Id = 0x20f32 Stepping = 2
AMD Features=0xe2500800
AMD Features2=0x3
Cores per package: 2
mfi0: Megaraid SAS driver Ver 3.00
mfi0: 24311 (294135602s/0x0020/info) – Shutdown command received from host
mfi0: 24312 (boot + 3s/0x0020/info) – Firmware initialization started (PCI ID 0060/1000/1f0c/1028)
mfi0: 24313 (boot + 3s/0x0020/info) – Firmware version 1.11.52-0396
mfi0: 24314 (boot + 3s/0x0008/info) – Battery Present
mfi0: 24315 (boot + 3s/0x0020/info) – Package version 6.0.2-0002
mfi0: 24316 (boot + 10s/0x0002/info) – Inserted: PD 00(e0xff/s0)
mfi0: 24317 (boot + 10s/0x0002/info) – Inserted: PD 00(e0xff/s0) Info: enclPd=ffff, scsiType=0, portMap=00, sasAddr=1221000000000000,0000000000000000
mfi0: 24318 (boot + 10s/0x0002/WARN) – PD 00(e0xff/s0) is not a certified drive
mfi0: 24319 (boot + 10s/0x0002/info) – Inserted: PD 01(e0xff/s1)
mfi0: 24320 (boot + 10s/0x0002/info) – Inserted: PD 01(e0xff/s1) Info: enclPd=ffff, scsiType=0, portMap=01, sasAddr=1221000001000000,0000000000000000
mfi0: 24321 (boot + 10s/0x0002/WARN) – PD 01(e0xff/s1) is not a certified drive
mfi0: 24322 (boot + 10s/0x0002/info) – Inserted: PD 02(e0xff/s2)
mfi0: 24323 (boot + 10s/0x0002/info) – Inserted: PD 02(e0xff/s2) Info: enclPd=ffff, scsiType=0, portMap=02, sasAddr=1221000002000000,0000000000000000
mfi0: 24324 (boot + 10s/0x0002/WARN) – PD 02(e0xff/s2) is not a certified drive
mfi0: 24325 (boot + 10s/0x0002/info) – Inserted: PD 03(e0xff/s3)
mfi0: 24326 (boot + 10s/0x0002/info) – Inserted: PD 03(e0xff/s3) Info: enclPd=ffff, scsiType=0, portMap=03, sasAddr=1221000003000000,0000000000000000
mfi0: 24327 (boot + 10s/0x0002/WARN) – PD 03(e0xff/s3) is not a certified drive
然而要控制他必須使用 MegaCLi
如果照google大神找到資訊 會看到很多 叫你這樣裝(很多的dell機器 使用者)
cd /usr/ports/sysutils/linux-megacli;make install clean
你會發現 得到以下地雷
===> linux-megacli-1.01.40_2 is marked as broken: Unfetchable.
*** Error code 1
Stop in /usr/ports/sysutils/linux-megacli.
終於發現 要這樣裝
cd /usr/ports/sysutils/linux-megacli2;make install clean
This port installed a commercial software product with a restricted
license. Please review the license terms at this URL:
Add the following to /boot/loader.conf
# For MegaCLi
Add the following to /etc/sysctl.conf
# For MegaCLi
Add the following to /etc/fstab
# For MegaCLi
linproc /compat/linux/proc linprocfs rw 0 0
linsys /compat/linux/sys linsysfs rw 0 0
Add the following to /etc/periodic.conf
# !!! Warning: test before running on a production system !!!
# !!! Warning: might hang your system !!!
# For daily summary mails and log diffs:
# In case you want really lots of details enable this:
# In case you want the tty logs from the controller
Add the following to /etc/rc.conf
# Save tty log on reboot (you want this)
If you find mfi(4) too verbose, see mfi_evt_class_t in
/usr/src/sys/dev/mfi/mfireg.h for values you can use in the
sysctl variable.
===> Registering installation for linux-megacli-2.00.12_1
===> Cleaning for linux-megacli-2.00.12_1